Love When Viewed in Full

I woke this morning fully aware of my love for you,

So excited about new love I didn’t know what to do,

My heart beat hard each time my thoughts changed,

Thoughts of you as her as my memories rearranged,


When not in my arms but in my mind you are third person,

You are her, not another, this mind thought cannot worsen,

As my mind processes love dreams of you my love grows,

You are the angel of my dreams my mind and heart knows,


It’s true I would breathe so deeply when thinking of her,

I felt as if I was a meek pauper with so very little to offer,

So little to offer does sound small when thought through,

Then I realized that I gave completely of myself, me to you,


The value of my love grew in value as I realized my worth,

I am worth great things if paper value is a portion of girth,

Each rhyme of love given to you becomes gold in the heart,

Gold of the heart has more value than element stone part,


Love when golden has no greater value matured in heart,

Given to your lover from your heart has more value in part,

A tidbit of love given from your heart is of fantastic value,

A tiny piece of said love just grew in worth given by you,


So expressed as a portion of my heart to be given away,

How small or great of value is love’s beat for a full day?

I would accept your heartbeat’s value one hundred fold,

So special is your love that I’d accept to be in your hold.

The end. For Patti, written by Pat.